3 min readMay 14, 2020



One must die to live! This is our plight. Deep down in the abyss of mother nature, it’s all cold and lonely, but we seek solace in the fact that it’s just a few agonizing hours to the victory of being alive.
Joined together in solidarity amidst the emptiness around us, we strive, fight and shine. We sprouted! We became the reason for you experiencing the first chills of witnessing the birth of a life. A moment embalmed in your heart forever.

This is us, the very essence of life, breathing air into you. We become your object of adoration, affection and commitment, tending to us as your own. And we grow,basking in the fullness of your daily consecration.

We decide to reward your love towards us, and the next morning shower, we bloom brightly in your face. Your love for us increased and we added more colors to brighten up your existence. You were the happiest, when we were in BLOOM!

And we continued to unveil new shades of colors. It seemed like a very long time but it’s has only been a few passing winds, and we realize that we are getting frail.
The attention dwindling on us,because you know we are at our end. Since the season outshined us, we wither,and go back to mother earth, serving as manure for the new generation, completing our cycle of life.

Do not cry for us, you lover of us! Remember, "WE BLOOMED"

Just like the uses and gratification theory, that states why people use certain medium or media platforms and what gratifications they derive from it, it is a perfect replica of our daily living.
Since the beginning of seasons for man, acquaintances have to be made and we have the decision to choose them or them choosing us. We find out what we deem right to be the best, attach values and form special bonds with entities that gives serenity and appreciate our existence.

As time goes on, we shed off scales and it’s very normal to discard of something when its value is degraded. But have we ever thought of how we contributed to the loss of value in that entity?
Surely, they were the best thing that happened to us at a point in time, making us ride on cloud of wishes and often times we reciprocate their gestures in a diminishing wave, and at times we end up using them more than we working together for our good.

We do know that life is measured in times and seasons, and such entity season might be different from yours.
What efforts are you making to keep the memories of your acquaintance memorable? Are you only interested in getting them to bloom for you? Making your paths smooth; you won’t stand idle though, your presence, you feel is enough to bear with, while they continue to unveil new shades of beautiful colors to add glamour to your life.

Mind you, there will come a time when their strength will diminish, and they will become useless to you, in your manner of thinking, after giving up everything for you.

Slowly they disappear from your side and you don’t bother about them, because in your heart, you know a new generation is coming! But how selfish of you to make another waste their season, all in the name of forming a "SHIP" relation with you.

We need to realize that everything we have or associated with us has a being of their own. How do we treat them? Do you see them as worthless, after using the most out of them? What efforts are you giving to ensure a balanced relationship?
Just so you know, if we can’t give them sunlight, we can bring to them the moonlight. In every relationship you find yourself, ensure to look deep and understand the message of the peak of the bloom. Don’t be the gardener alone, be part of the bloom.





//Creative// //Storyteller//….Funny how everything that happens in life are told as stories. Anyways, I tell my stories and yours too.