8 min readSep 13, 2023


Hi Darlings, it’s been over a year since I last came here and that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. My last content was about relating with life in connection to “Flowers” and I was only able to share my contents about the “Daisy” flower. Now, I don’t feel much of a connection to the series anymore, and this is why it is not good to procrastinate for long, anyways, I’ll connect with my inner writer and find the inspiration to complete the “Flower series”.

Reading through my previous posts, I realize that I haven’t given a proper introduction of myself. So, let’s pretend this post is our first meeting. I’m Dorcas, but you might know me as COLD LIPS(my pen name), or simply as Kookie. Whenever I tell people I am Kookie because that’s what I mostly call myself and what most people call me, they tend to mix it up by thinking “I’m an edible cookie”, so I am always correcting them that my “Kookie” starts with a “K”, because the name is Korean affiliated. Kookie is the nickname of Jungkook of BTS, and because he is my bias, and we got some things in common, the name resonated with me, and I took the name as my moniker.

Now that I’ve established my names, though, I like to go by the moniker “COLD LIPS” on this space and maybe when I start a blog. Why “COLD LIPS” though? During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, I was going through a lot with regards to my mental health; a little secret leak at this point, my mum and I weren’t really on good terms and we are always having things to fight about, maybe just call it daily episodes of “discipling a prodigal church girl”. I won’t delve much into that, but staying home for days unending and having to “wash, rinse and repeat” the same patterns of activities took a toll on me. The issues didn’t start then, it’s been a fight we’ve been having since I was a teenager, preparing to shed the high school uniform for the last time. One thing that kept me sane as a teenager was “Journaling”, I didn’t even know it was called journaling until 2 years later when I got my first smart phone. Fast forward to 2020, I knew Journaling wasn’t going to help me as much as it did in 2015, and I decided to read extensively on mental health. Then, I came to the realization that, writing is one of my biggest weapon, and I decided to utilize it. Since it is lockdown season, with nowhere to go, I decided not to keep my thoughts to myself anymore, I knew there have to be people like me who are going through like-issues, and my voice could speak for them

Then came the nerve cracking name choice, and I needed to use a name that represents me, “COLD LIPS” dropped in my heart after days of throwing out lots of torn squeezed papers with scribbled ink in them in the trash can. COLD — means that I am lonely, naked and feeling lost. LIPS — means that I can at least tell the tales of my lonely and lost self, maybe through my stories I get to feel some ounce of warmth.

When I published my first post on Medium, a lot of people, especially males, asked me crude and disparaging questions about my name. Despite my attempts to explain that the name does not have a sexual connotation, they continued to make snide comments. Thanks to my feminist beliefs, I was able to filter out the misogynistic weeds in my contact list.

Moving on from that, professionally, I am a multifaceted talent with passion for broadcasting. With a background in Television program production, I bring a wealth of media experience to the table. I am a Producer/Presenter and I pride myself in my research skills, as a presenter, research has made my presentation a very good one. I remember getting accolades from my former boss (HOD PROGRAMS), about my information filled presentation. My broadcasting experience ranges from production, reportage, and presentation. I have experience working as a Podcast producer too, and hopefully soon, I start my own podcast too.

When I’m not in the broadcasting world, I find solace in the pages of webtoons, manhwas, and fanfictions. My imagination tends to run wild, and I’ve channeled that creativity into my own writing projects. One of such writing projects is this, and hopefully I get to publish most of the contents lying around in my diaries and jotters.

When it comes to interests and passion, I’m an unapologetic Hallyu (Korean wave) enthusiast, with K-dramas and K-pop dominating my stan list. I’ve been into Hallyu since 2015 and K-dramas brought me in this rabbit hole that I won’t ever get out of. My journey into Kdramas started with a neighbor friend who came to watch “Boys before flowers” at my house, and I tell you, I dreamt about “Lee Min Ho” that same night, and you can imagine the rest of the story. I’ve been called lots of names, and “Obsessed” tops the list. I’ve been told it’s a “phase I’ll outgrow”, but look at me now, going strong for 8 years and counting.

Through K-dramas, I discovered K-pop and BTS became my ultimate group, and I’m so lucky to have found them. They make living fun and better for me, yeah I love them that much.

I consume other Hallyu contents too, and at the moment “Reality/Variety shows” are topping my list. There are lots of Hallyu contents to consume, so you don’t have to settle for the most popular ones, you can find one that resonates with you. Hallyu is a big part of my person, and I can say 80% of my life revolves around it.

A teeny weeny fact about me, I procrastinate a lot and I’m sure a lot of you are on this table, it really isn’t a good thing and I’m trying my best to not let it get the best of me. I also have a knack for buying courses but procrastination won’t let me actually finish with them. I’ve bought 5 courses this year, and I boldly tell you, I have completed only one in Graphic Design and I’m halfway completing a second course in Social media management. Someone please remind me to complete my UI/UX design and Creative Writing course. Maybe I’m just a jack of all trade without being a Jack!

As for my future plans, I aspire to carve out a successful career in Broadcasting. I’ve always want to be on Radio before I transition properly to being a Television Presenter, but since I got to work as Tv Presenter first, I’m on the lookout to fulfill my inner child Radio dream.

Content creation is also on the horizon for me, and my content will definitely revolve around Hallyu contents. So, watch out for me.

At the moment, I’m grappling with a short attention span, finding that IG reels and YouTube shorts are the only things that manage to keep me glued to my screen. Do you also feel the same way? I feel like we do need to “touch some grass”.

I am a Pinterest aesthetic girly, and I hope to have money that’ll fund my aesthetic lifestyle soon. I love art too, and recently I fell in love with Illustration arts, I have a Twitter (X) account dedicated to that, and honestly I wish could draw Illustrations, I voiced my concerns to a friend and she said I could learnt but I definitely do need an iPad to kickstart the learning process which I do not have at the moment.

I am a music girl, and my music taste ranges from Kpop to Pop, Alternative, EDM, and a little bit of R&B music. My go to streaming platform is Spotify, and it’ll always be my favorite, I’m lazy with creating playlists but I do enjoy the playlists Spotify curates for me, they bang!

Now, who doesn’t love animals as pets? Most of you all need to get the food options out of the equation when animals are up for discussions. I’m an advocate for some animals to not be eaten as food, examples : Dogs & Rabbits. How dare you eat those cute & pretty babies. For me, I’ll love to be a Cat mum but as a Nigerian with a Yoruba mum, owning a Cat is out of the options for me until I move out of her house. I love Dogs too, the Golden Retriever specie are my fave, and for cats any specie will do except for the Sphynx breeds.

I look like I’ve got lots of friends but in real life, my friend circle really is a small one. I am extremely grateful for my online friends, many of whom I met through Hallyu interests & connections. I’m at loss for words when I think of how much joy can be found in life through people you’ve never met in person but who have similar interests. They’re so precious to me, and hopefully we’ll get to meet in person someday.

My immediate sister made a silly joke which hunted me for a while “I wonder how many persons will show up for your wedding, will you even have a Bridal train?”

My sister is a social butterfly & I marvel at how easy it is for her to make friends, I’m only a social butterfly when it comes to BTS/K-pop or Hallyu in general. I’m an introvert who finds beauty in the quiet, treasures meaningful connections, and cherishes the changing tides of life. You’ll often find me as the silent observer in a bustling room. I cherish those moments of solitude, where I can soak in the world’s beauty and intricacies. While I might be introverted, I do appreciate the occasional adventure and the company of like-minded people.

I am also battling responsibilities as a first child and first daughter, and I hope to get a job soon so I can escape some bickering. Yes, I am on a job hunt, and roles in media space, remote jobs in Content/Creative writing are highly welcomed.

It wasn’t my intention to write about this today, and I hadn’t even planned to post anything on Medium, but something called for it. I am a Korea Honorary Reporter and one of my articles got rejected today because “it wasn’t objective enough”. I wrote about Korean alcohols and because I don’t have personal experiences consuming them, my article couldn’t be published. I felt sad about it and I didn’t want my hard work wasted, at that moment of despair, I remembered I got a Medium account, and when I checked in here, I saw how abandoned this place is, hence me writing today.

The rejected article will be published here tomorrow or soon, and although it’s a side swerve away from my regular contents on this space, I think I’ll be posting more of such contents here.

I read through my past posts and I saw the need for some editing, I’ll definitely get to it and I hope you also check them out if you haven’t. Do share my post to your friends and get them to follow me , I need to reach 100 followers soon, remember your girl is “jobless” at the moment and I need to focus on monetizing my contents soon.

See you all soon!

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//Creative// //Storyteller//….Funny how everything that happens in life are told as stories. Anyways, I tell my stories and yours too.