3 min readAug 12, 2020

Hanging off the balcony, caught mid-air in flight, eyes closed, everywhere empty in the still of the night, I’m ready to let go. To go under the abyss of darkness, slipping away quickly. A rushed rattling, jolted my eyes open and I see a hand extending to me. Still, in my unbelief, I can’t trust my eyes that much to see the saving second chance in front of me, but still the hand was getting closer to me, reaching to pull me up, but I still can’t bring myself to be saved from eternal goodbye. Life was perfect, I was fashioned to be a perfectionist, an all-rounder, pushed over the edge to achieve the almost impossible.

I’m used to it, being in the spotlight always. I have always wanted this to be famous, but the path I’m treading is full of thorns and biers to my existence.

Despite me being everywhere, I still feel this emptiness in me, unable to voice out what my real feelings were because a little dent is not to be seen in my record-perfect life.

But I’m human too, things I’ve always wanted to do but have seen as an imperfection. Awards and accolades keep running in, but they ain’t making me happy anymore. I want no more of this but I can’t stop them from coming. I wanted to be saved badly, but no one is seeing past the mask of glamour around me, so I decide to save myself, by ending it all.

Here I am sitting on the balcony, reminiscing over my life, drink in hand, I feel lightheaded already. Since I can’t be any less perfect in this world, I want to reveal every shade of imperfection in the coming world. And it happened, I’m hanging in between two worlds and ready to go to the downside. And I heard a loud rattling, which jolted my eyes open and I see a hand extending to me, wishing to save me, but I can’t bring myself to be saved from eternal goodbye.

Without thinking, I muttered Do You See Me? I close my eyes and I heard the voice "Yes, I see you, I can see you". Those were the nicest words I’ve heard in a long time, even if it’s just this person who’s ready to see through me, I want the saving grace to be given a shot.


The world we live in makes us strive so hard to achieve balance and perfection. And amid fierce competition, various devices are launched to counterattack and keep one’s head above the waters. Yeah, this is the reality of life. But we fail to forget that there is a limit to which we can achieve perfection because nobody is perfect and perfection erodes us from thinking about our desires and feelings that we forget the meaning of our very being.

Despite all these, we secretly want someone who can reach out to us and tell us, it’s okay not to be perfect, mistakes are allowed to make you learn and grow, someone who will make our imperfections our greatest strengths, and unmask the being, our very essence out of hiding. Someone who loves the imperfect me!

We are humans with strengths and weaknesses differing but we all want to be seen through by someone and told everything will be okay.




//Creative// //Storyteller//….Funny how everything that happens in life are told as stories. Anyways, I tell my stories and yours too.